Meet our Salty Dog for the months of August and September. Clark is not our typical candidate for Salty “Dog” of the month. Even though he is technically feline he is very much a dog at heart. We know how much our fur babies mean to us and how important they are in our lives. Clark is loyal, loving, silly, he plays fetch and loves going for car rides. Clark (Kent) is his mom’s little superman and unfortunately, he needs some help from all of us to continue his duty. He was recently just diagnosed with lymphoma and will need chemotherapy treatments in order to survive. The veterinarian at Coral Springs Animal Hospital says there is a very high chance we can get Clark into remission with chemotherapy treatments and save his life. We need your help! Please donate towards his life saving treatment, send positive vibes and share Clark’s story because even superman needs help sometimes. Clark will be a first-time big brother to his brand-new human baby sister in just a few months. We would love to make sure Clark is healthy and happy when she arrives, because we all know that it’s “ALL paws on deck” when a new baby arrives. Thank you for your support!