We’ve received several emails and phone calls about concerned guests regarding our watersports activities and COVID-19 in light of the lock down in Florida…
The short answer is – YES – we are open and have rentals available for drop off or pickup and will provide you with a location to paddle
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed Executive Order 20-91 on April 1 2020 outlining a lock-down policy for Floridians. The Order took effect Friday, April 3 2020 at 12:01 a.m. and will last until Thursday, April 30th, unless it is extended for a longer duration. Section 1(B) of the order expands on Florida’s stay-at-home initiative by limiting the movement of all persons in Florida. This section reads:
[…A]ll persons in Florida shall limit their movements and personal interactions outside of their home to only those necessary to obtain or provide essential services or conduct essential activities.
Section 1(B) effectively restricts the movement of nearly all Florida citizens for reasons not deemed to be “[providing] essential services or [conducting] essential activities.” Essential activities is, however, very broadly defined and includes […] participating in assorted recreational activities, including watersports, so long as still adhering to social distancing guidelines.
-Alan Gassman
Salty Dog Paddle is a necessary service and provides authorized activities
Salty Dog Paddle is a Federally and State licensed environmental and animal welfare agency that works with FWC and the US Coast Guard and as such, our activities have been deemed as being necessary by the Governor’s Office.
Specifically, we “support weather disaster / natural hazard mitigation and prevention activities.” In addition, we provide essential activities to residents, both:
1. “Participating in recreational activities (consistent with social distancing guidelines) such as walking, biking, hiking, fishing, hunting, running, or swimming”
2. “Taking care of pets”

Coronavirus cleaning
COVID-19 Measures we are taking
1. All equipment – vessels (kayaks, surfboards, paddleboards) and accessories i.e. paddles, leashes, PFD’s, etc. are wiped down with bleach solution and washed with soap and water after each use.
2. All cleaned equipment is kept away from participants / guests, who will no longer be able to view equipment before use.
3. All volunteers are required to wash their hands for 20 seconds or wear a new pair of disposable gloves before handling any equipment and wear a mask.
4. All volunteers are required to maintain a 6-foot distance from participants / guests at all times. We ask that participants / guests respect this distance requirement.
5. Participants / guests are required to handle their own equipment. Specifically, unloading vessels from transported vehicle / trailer and carrying their own equipment.
6. Any participants / guest found not to be in compliance with this policy will have their watersports activity / rental canceled immediately and will not be eligible for a refund or credit.
What can you do?
Tips to prevent the spread of the virus
Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds at a time before and after touching watersports equipment (paddles, PFD’s, leashes, etc.) Soap is enough to denature the structure of the virus.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
- Avoid close contact with people who are ill
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze
- Do NOT reuse tissue after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose
- Wear a covering over your mouth
- If you wear gloves – change them regularity and after touching surfaces
Each participant who rents through our charity will receive a special State permit that covers those named in the permit for the duration of the activity on the date and time of the activity as well as travel to and from.