Pitbull used for breeding and fighting gets a second chance

We rescued this poor pitbull dog that throughout her life was used as a breading machine and for dog fighting. The previous “owner” came to my clinic to euthanize her because she wasn’t useful anymore. In his words “she was just a problem he wanted to get rid of.”

The Veterinarian performed a physical exam and while this sweet pitbull was afraid of touch, she was still gentle and trusting. The Veterinarian found that with some neurological trauma – which will affect her for the rest of her life – everything else including her extreme eye, ear, and skin infections and other injuries were very treatable. Karma’s biggest problem was neglect and abuse, both physical and mental. All she needed was a lot of love and medical attention to her initial injuries to be able to live the life she never had.

-Vio Vet, Fort Myers, Florida

With that in mind, we knew we had to rescue this poor staffy pup and give her a chance at a real life where no one would hurt her again. Karma is now our Salty Dog for the Month of May.

Pitbull dog
Karma – click to donate

After starting Karma on medications she immediately improved so much, she knew she was safe and started to build close bonds with everyone involved in her recovery. In just a few days she was already starting to act like a loved family pet for the first time in her life. After some time, we were able to find an amazing family that was made just for her. With a new family came a new name and now Karma is living with her forever family full of love.

This amazing family knew it was going to be a long road ahead of them and decided they had to do whatever it takes to help her have a second chance at life. With everything she’s been through, we are now asking for help raising the funds for surgery on her eyes and the removal of a mass.

Pitbull dogs
Karma – click to donate

Dr. Thomas Jackson (Joel’s veterinarian – our Salty Dog from March) will perform the surgeries at a substantial discount as soon as her infections improve. We truly need help with the vet care and appreciate your caring from the bottom of our hearts. Just watch the video & look at her photos and you will understand why we are helping her!

Let’s help this family show Karma the amazing fur-baby life full of love and affection she deserves.

UPDATE: Thanks to all of the support Karma received in May we raised enough money to pay for all of her surgeries!

Pitbull used for breeding and fighting gets a second chance
Karma Christmas Photo
Karma Christmas Photo