Venus is a Husky puppy that was surrendered by her previous owners. When she arrived to our partner animal shelter, she was extremely emaciated and malnourished. In addition, she required emergency pneumothorax surgery to remove a part of her lung. Being given up to a shelter, arriving at the rescue, and immediately undergoing major open chest surgery has been extremely overwhelming for her, but this extremely sweet girl is handling such an awful situation with grace as she recovers at her foster parents’ home.
Her medical bills will most likely continue to rise as she continues with follow ups and doctors’ visits, but right now we are just asking for help towards her surgery bill of $4,238.60, which has been discounted significantly from the original cost.
When Venus is recovered, she will be available for adoption! Her foster parents say she is amazing and one of a kind. She is sweet, calm, & loving.

PUPDATE as of July 19:
Venus, our Salty Dog of the Month for June has recovered from her life saving lung surgery! Thank you to everyone who donated and helped save her life! This amazing and sweet girl has also found her FURever home, and her new mom and dad could not be happier!
Unfortunately, after several doctors exams and visits, Venus has also been diagnosed with a heart condition and will need Major heart surgery to correct it. If you can DONATE or have any questions about the procedures Venus will need please visit